Update post

August 22, 2024 By Corey Dinkens

I’ve been busy…

It has been a while since my last post. This has largely been due to the fact that I started a new Systems Administrator role in February 21′, then in October 21′ I was offered an opportunity to switch careers and joined VMware Tanzu. This was especially exciting for me because the company employed many people that I had already respected and regularly consumed their technical content.

Since the career change, I have learned a lot and created the kind of content I would have liked to read as a customer. I am also proud to say that I was a content contributor and in-person participant in the last two annual ‘VMware Explore’ conferences. It was nice to be able to meet and discuss products/solutions with other VMware employees and customers in-person. It was also really fun working on the vendor side as I had previously been a customer/attendee at these kinds of events.

What I am (not) working on now

Since switching careers from Engineering/Operations to a product Technical Marketing role, I have been using my background as a practitioner to help drive the direction of VMware Tanzu products and create marketing collateral. I would like to think I have been successful in this endeavor as the last time I checked, my product has seen almost 20% increase in use over the last few months!

As of today however, this chapter of my career has come to a close with the notification that my role has been eliminated (womp womp!). I have learned a lot over the last few years and it has been extremely rewarding both personally and professionally. I enjoyed being able to deep-dive into the world of Kubernetes and help companies to overcome their operational hurdles. I also enjoyed the fact that the lab hardware shared by our team probably had enough compute horsepower to run multiple international businesses (😂)

For now, the task at hand is to regroup and figure out how and where I would like to try and re-enter the tech industry. I can’t thank all of the various people within VMware enough that have helped me out in one way or another over the last few years.

Onwards and upwards!